Murder at the Blarney Bash by Darci Hannah - Book 5 in the Beacon Bakeshop Mysteries

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Meet Darci Hannah, author of the Beacon Bakeshop Mysteries!

Buy Darci's new book: Murder at the Blarney Bash by Darci Hannah - releasing Jan 23, 2024 by Kensington Cozies

Author Chat Questions

  • 0:00 Intro

  • 6:50 Tell us about your new book Murder at the Blarney Bash

  • 19:58 What about a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

  • 23:25 The publisher dictate which themes or are you able to select those for each book?

  • 24:29 What’s your favorite Michigan season and do you put that in your books?

  • 32:02 Let's talk about about your dogs.

  • 42:05 What is the most popular pastry on the menu Beacon Bakeshop?

  • 47:07 Do you eat pastries while you write for inspiration?

  • 47:53 What’s your favorite pastry item?

  • 52:02 Recipes - are they included in every book?

  • 53:32 What are your writing plans for 2024?

  • 57:46 Book giveaway 58:58 Where can readers find you?

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Murder at the Blarney Bash by Darci Hannah - Book 5 in the Beacon Bakeshop Mysteries

Cozy Mystery Mingle

Jan 30, 2024

59 min 57 sec

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Hi, everyone, and welcome to the Cozy Mystery Mingle.We talk all about Cozy Mystery Me releases.I'm Lisa.I'm very excited.I'm here with Darcy.Hey, it's Christian.Be here.I mean, this is a yeah on Avenger for.Me good.Yeah.If you didn't know, I'm so we were talking right before the show.


I am new to podcasting, but Darcy is a season podcaster.She has.Her own?Oh, no, I'm not season.Gee, what season?Well, she has one more season than me, so tell them a little bit about yourself and your podcast.Well, yeah.


So my name is Darcy Hannah.I I had started my career as a historical fiction writer, and then after a few years of that, I had switched into the Cozy Mystery Market.So now I love writing cozy mysteries.I write the Beacon Bakeshop mystery series from Kensington.


I have a new series coming out this year too, called the Food and Spirits Mystery Series.So my series tend to be food centric.There's a theme to them.I do like baking.And then last year it was probably around April or May of last year, we, my sons and I decided to start a podcast.


And, you know, that was kind of like I wanted, like my audience is a little different than my sons.Like I'm a cozy mystery writer.You know, I I have a readership that's, you know, appreciates that little gentler thing.And my sons are millennials 26 and 29 right now, so and they're super funny.


So they they do, we do author interviews.Our podcast used to be called the Mother Boy podcast and we coined ourselves as like a mother son comedy podcast and there aren't really any of those.So I think we cornered the market in that.And the comic, like, I have one son that's very funny.


The other son is very technical and very funny.My third son lives in Seattle, so he sometimes doesn't join us because we're coming from Michigan.But it's just a very it's more entertaining, it's uplifting, it's just a little crazier.But when we're lucky enough to have authors come on, we try to do a very fun, very unorthodox interview with them.


So that's kind of our little niche.We had just started on YouTube.We've rebranded, so don't look for Mother Boy.We've rebranded into the nearly literate podcast cause the boys weren't cool with Mother Boy anymore after they'd picked it, which was puzzling to me.


They're the ones that chose it.No.You know, they said they picked the name and they go, we picked the name and they go, you know, 'cause I said, what do you want to call this after we had done like 3.So podcasting and you're like, it's so funny, 'cause I think of you as, like you're the YouTube.I didn't realize that you're newer to podcasting, but usually do like 3, you know, record them and then push them out, like when you don't have the video.


And so we were doing them and they were, you know, kind of entertaining.And, you know, after a while, I'm like, we need to name this.You know, what are we going to name it?And my older son who was in Seattle when I told him this idea, like, oh, the boys want to have a podcast with me.I think it'll be fun.And he goes, oh, that sounds a little too mother boy for me.


And I go mother boy.And that's a reference to Arrested Development, which is one of my favorite TV shows.It's brilliant comedy show, you know.Yeah.There.Do you know the mother Lucille, She had this older son.I think it was the baby son.


What was his name?Buster.And she and Buster.We're going to the mother boy XXX.It's the mother boy 30 dance.It was the cringes episode in the.Yeah.I'm remembering now that you're saying that, yeah, I totally forgot about that episode.Yeah, it was.A great reference.


It was the first episode and the moment he said it, I just was like, Oh my God, yes, that.Yeah, I could see where that would be.So when we did our podcast, we sat down and we were all joking about that, and the boys decided to call themselves some other boy podcast.


And then 6 1/2, maybe seven months later, we took a little break over Christmas come to find out that they're not comfortable with that name anymore.It was a joke and they didn't really expect it to do very well.So we started doing pretty well.So we're not more, we're not serious.


But my one son wanted to call it the Illiterate Podcast and I said, you know, I am an author.Like how?Like, I mean, I know I'm not that literate, but, you know, how am I supposed to have guests?Come on.If you know we recall ourselves the illiterate podcast.


So then I said what about nearly literate And then they like that so they don't read fiction but they love to interview people and make kind of make fun of what I do.But they're pretty respectful in general when when we don't have a guest with us, we're it's there there are some language there's some you know they might swear a little bit which I I've tried to curtail that but they're out of the house.


You know how that is, Lisa.It's like it's a wild Wild West right now.So but anyhow that's kind of my weird career in a nutshell.Author of Chantal Cozy mysteries with a lot of baking and excite.They're they're fun.They're very fun.We set my mysteries.


The Beacon Bake Shop are set in Michigan, Northern Michigan.Northwestern, Michigan.And so, you know, we, it's been so much fun writing that.And then the podcasting, it was just kind of a kind of a fun way for me to talk to the other people in the industry and just kind of like, hey, what do you, what do you think about this?


Like, don't you love it when this happens?Yeah, that's why I started just to meet other people.Like, I don't think we would ever chat if I never.I was so excited when you reached out to me.I'm like, Oh my God, you're so beautiful and adorable.I'm like, I want to talk to Lisa.Talk a little cozy mystery.


But yes, I just want to.I didn't know, like you were a YouTuber.Yes, congratulations on your podcast.I think this is wonderful and I wish you like incredible success.So.Thanks.You too.When does your second season start the new with the?


New Oh, we.OK.So I'm going to apologize to everybody out there.We put out our first one yesterday was Monday, right.We put out our first video Monday, and my son made a trailer and it's, it's a total guy trailer.It's a lot of like, you know, Yeah, there's some military, you know, there are explosions in it.


And then there's me.I mean.Well, it sounds like it's dynamic and exciting.It doesn't make a lot of sense, but that neither does our podcast.But it's funny, you know, so it's we're we're, you know, you fine tune it as you go along.You're very focused, which I love, you know?Rush, that's OK.


Well, let's talk about your book, 'cause I I want everyone to know this new release that came out this month and it's Murder at the Blarney Bash.So let's just talk about that book and what it's about.And you know who gets murdered?Oh my gosh.Well, look at I don't always dress so festive, especially so early in in the winter, right?


I'm channeling the spring rain.So Murder at the Blarney Bash is the 5th of the Beacon Bakeshop Mystery series.So I feel just blessed enough to have gotten, you know, to keep writing this series.It's a very fun series and for, you know, those of you who've never read, read it.


The series is based on a woman named Lindsay Bakewell.I I love the name and it really is an English name.And I'll tell explain why I named her Bakewell.She's an investment banker in New York City.When we meet her, she's kind of a Wall Street person.


And you know, like it's kind of a typical, I'm about to say cozy the sutro.But she, you know, was engaged to this wonderful up and coming, well, this up handsome up and coming celebrity chef.She went to his up and coming restaurant on her birthday and then found him in a compromising position with his pastry chef.


So she realized like, you know, this is over.And so she went home.She baking is her kind of her hobby, her passion.Her grandparents owned a bakery in Michigan when she was growing up.Her dad was from Michigan.Her mother is an 80s X 80s supermodel, so she doesn't like to eat baked goods.


But anyhow, so this woman takes more after well, Lindsey takes more after her dad.She's she's in Wall Street and she goes home anger, bakes some cupcakes, throws some against the wall, drinks a bottle of wine, goes on the Internet and starts shopping.And the next morning, she wakes up and she realizes she actually purchased an old rundown lighthouse on the shores of Lake MI, close to where her her grandparents had their bakery.


And she, you know, she could back out of the deal.But she got to thinking, and she said, you know what?It's time for me to just make a change in my life.I'm going to leave.I'm going to leave New York City, and I'm going to embrace this.And so the first book in the series is about her, you know, coming to this lighthouse.


And of course it looked a lot better on the Internet than it did in person because old lighthouses and I've been to many I love lighthouses.It need a lot of renovation.So she kind of you know was like you know I bought this lemon but I'm going to I'm going to open my dream bakery inside this.


And so she begins renovation and and and that's how kind of she gets to Beacon Harbor.She gets to own this beautiful lighthouse which is the Beacon Point lighthouse and it is modeled after one of my favorite lighthouses here in Michigan called the Point Betsy Lighthouse.


So the cover, if if you Google Point Betsy Lighthouse in Michigan, it's a spectacular it's one of the most photographed lighthouses in Michigan.And so whenever the cover artists were asking for ideas and like look at this is the lighthouse I envision.And so anyhow, so that was my model for that one.


So every episode takes place in this fictitious town of Beacon Harbor, Michigan, which is a beautiful.I'm not sure many people have been to our beautiful coast in Michigan.We're called the Third Coast.You know, you have the East Coast, the West Coast, well, because the beaches along the western coast of Lake MI are so spectacular.


They're sandy.We have a lot of dunes.We have the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, which is spectacular.It's a protected area.And so this lighthouse sits kind of right before that protected stretch of Lakeshore.So the beaches like I say are wonderful.


And so this is a very what I've kind of done is I've kind of made a a town out of all my favorite little little unique places in Michigan.And so it's one town and it is kind of based on I had to pick a town and be like Frankfurt, Michigan kind of where that would be.


But it's not fully that.So anyhow, this new episode, Murder the Blarney episode, listen to me and this new book, it's like.An.Episode in my head.I do feel that because we're writing and you know a series and you're you've got, the beauty of the series is having that same cast or some group of characters coming back introducing some new ones.


But you know, readers really love the town, they love the setting, they love the main characters and especially Wellington, my big Newfoundland dog that is in the in the book as well.So the new one, when I was asked to write a Saint Patrick's Day mystery, I was like Saint Patrick's Day.


Like I'm not.I'm not that Irish.I, in fact, I didn't think I was Irish at all until I took a 23 of me, Lisa and my son gave it to.Me.Oh, so you were Irish?Oh, a little bit like 7% And my mom was like, you're not Irish.I'm like Mom, I can't argue with these these results.


I think, yeah.More Irish than I am.Well, my mom growing up is like, you're not Irish.Like, it was super funny.So anyhow, but but you know, I was thinking about it and I'm like, I love Saint Patrick's Day, but I don't really sell it.


I'm not a big drinker.I don't celebrate like, I'm green beer.You're probably not going to see me drinking that.But I do love the the cooking aspect.And so when I was asked to do this by my publisher, I'm like and he's like, oh, I could just see green cupcakes, green frosted cupcakes on the cover.And I'm like, I'm thinking soda bread, like, you know, something very traditionally Irish.


So I do kind of, you know.So I was thinking about how to put this together and one of my favorite things about this.So what I I wound up doing about the book.I'll go back to the book.I'm sorry, meander.So my one of my, my main character, Lindsay Bakewell, her love interest is Rory Campbell.


And he is this kind of, he's still kind of a little bit mysterious.He's a typical what I would consider like a Michigan man and he has a past he was a a ex Navy SEAL.So he's he's he like, you know lives along the Lakeshore.And so we don't know a lot about his background.


So in this new book I bring in his Irish uncle who's from Ireland, who owns a pub in Ireland and his cousin Colleen was a beautiful young Irish woman.And so they they moved to Beacon Harbor and they open up an Irish import shop.


And then they they have a micro pub as well.Because.Finn.Uncle Finn.Finn O'Connor.No, is it?Yeah.Finn O'Connor loves his.I have so many.I'm working on a different Mr. right now.So I'm like he, you know, is very steeped in Irish folklore.


And so he comes in to the town they're opening, they're getting ready to open up their their beautiful Irish shop called the Blarney Stone.And I love the Blarney Stone.Like, do you know the legend of the Blarney Stone they saw?I should, but I forgot it.So let's refresh everyone's memory.


OK, so the Blarney Stone I'm.Right.Oh yeah, I'm particularly attracted to it because I'm a talker.And the legend is like, if you kiss this, it's on a castle, Blarney castle.And the legend is, if you kiss this stone, you get the gift like blarney, which is a gift of kind of the gift of gab, like witticism.


You can talk your way out of situations or talk your way into situations.You're just very like loquacious and eloquent and also annoying probably.But so for Uncle Finn kind of embraces that.So he's his shop is called the Blarney Stone.They have, you know, they sell a little replica called Blarney Stones as well.


And it's just everything that I would love in an Irish shop.And when I was growing up as a kid, my mother's Scandinavian.We used to go to a place called Door County, Wisconsin, which is where my first cozy mystery series was set.And there was this beautiful Irish shop there in one of the little towns.


And I always wanted to go in it.And I always wanted to buy like the most expensive thing in it, which was this Irish walking cake.And my mom would be like, why do you want to go into the Irish shop?What?We're not getting that Irish?So I just, it's kind of in my mind like as as I've grown up now and I'm very old now, but as a kid I just remember like going into the shop and seeing all these beautiful Celtic things and I thought I need that in Beacon Harbor.


So they're doing that and then they're actually, you know, they have like an authentic Irish pub that they have moved, you know, some of the old, the old bar and the old things.So it's a very charming place.So they're owning it the the the Barney Stone is opening up on Saint Patrick's Day which is very fitting.And there's Uncle Finn and Colleen are getting to lead the leprechaun parade at the school.


But Uncle Finn being Irish and having his run insurance with Leprechauns feels that a leprechaun he's he's seen something in the crowd in the the little leprechaun parade.He feels that you know he he tells people that he caught a leprechaun once and he feels like that leprechaun is altogether and he's back.


He's followed him to to America at to Beacon Harbor and so it kind of is like a story about Uncle Finn and his just blindly embracing this this Irish lore and trying to get people into his shop And then there is you know there is some yeah I'm just going to say shenanigans Lisa that go on.


So it's a lot of fun, but we're bringing in new characters and Uncle Finn is one of my my new favourites so and Colleen as well and their dog, their beautiful Great Pyrenees Bailey, who instantly is a friend of Wellington my my big old NUF and the dog so.


And so this So the leprechaun is the one that gets murdered, right?Oh, you oh, that's just the.Description OK, I'm not spoiling.It's like in the description for the bulk, right?Don't you love that?


Like, that's why.And I was listening to some of your stuff earlier like your your YouTube or videos.One of your pet peeves is like people who don't like murder somebody in the first chapter.Yeah.I kind of like I I I'm guilty, you know.


Like I I will have stuff in the.I'll have stuff all along.But sometimes the murder doesn't happen.But I wanted you to get a good flavour of this, this just big breath of Irish wind coming into town and this beautiful, this excitement for the Blarney Stone.And Lindsay Bakewell is, of course, you know, baking her heart out because they're catering the Blarney Stone and they're catering the Leprechaun parade.


And so it's very lot of Irish bake goods, a lot of Irish foods, a lot of Irish.I would call it American Irish, let's just be honest.Well, just you know.I've been corrected since then that I the murder can't take place until earliest the end of the third chapter, so I've since my.


Writing side, you know, because when I started writing Cozy Misses, like I told you earlier, I had no idea there were so many rules.And I think, I think the funniest thing about this industry is like every day I learn a new rule.And somebody was like, I was talking to another friend of mine on our podcast.


She's like, well, you know, like you can never kill an animal in a cozy ministry.I'm like, why do I want to?But then I'm like, well, that makes sense.But like, does everybody really do that?You know, it's like, like, I didn't know that was a rule.But.And so that's funny because like, what if you just started with the body?


I've seen, I've read, I've read cozy mysteries that start with the body.And that's a different.Those are, those are intriguing as well.I tend to kind of build up a story And then you know like you're like, oh, who's going to die like what's going to happen And then yes, OK a leprechaun does get does get murdered but that's part of the and yes maybe a a pot of gold is.


That was, for me, the best part of the description.I was like, yes, Leprechaun gets murdered.I have to read this book.Oh my God, what if the funniest thing is because, and I just said this before, I think I just said this yesterday.We were doing a podcast and I'm like, everything I learned about Ireland, 'cause I haven't been there yet.


I was, I was going to try to go this year.My husband needs knee surgery so we can hike around a little bit more.But so I mean, he's he's, I mean, he's fine, but I want it to be fun for him.So I was telling the kids, like everything I learned about Ireland other than weird folklore, because I do, I do double down on my mythical creatures.


I love them.It's like kind of everything I've I've seen on a box of Lucky Charms.Like, you know, like honestly, it's like, and we never got them a lot as a kid either, because my parents didn't give us a lot of sugary cereal.But you know what I mean?It's like the Leprechaun and the, you know, the Doris Jag and the whatever and the rainbow And then, you know, every time you see a rainbow, even my Scandinavian mother knows that there's a there's a pot of gold at the end of that.


And so I just kind of took all this weird, you know, American Irish knowledge with some with some decent recipes.I will say the recipes in there are more Irish inspired, but just kind of wove a tale where I wanted, I wanted that folklore to be a part.


Uncle Finn's also always a little bit drunk, like he loves his beer.So I think 'cause you don't quite know what he's doing, you don't quite know what to believe.And then I mean.That makes more sense.If he's like, die hard, I've there's a pot of gold.I believe in leprechauns like you should be a little.


Leprechaun Steel.And there are some.Well, I was, believe it or not, I was researching Leprechauns and I had some of the I sprinkled some of it into the book because you know, like there is, you know, for my big historical fiction days and doing a lot of research.


There's always some truth to myth and legend, right?There's, you know, usually it's like legends, arcs, you know, they're always like you know stretched out to make it sound cooler or bigger or grander.And so where does the leprechaun come from And it's it.It is mentioned quite early in I in the written word in Ireland and and we don't really quite know what it is.


They talk about giants and a mini race of of people and so you're like well were they smoking or was this you know maybe the world's I don't know is the world different?You know, who knows?But then, as as the myth and legends evolved, I learned that leprechauns are only male.They are Cobblers by trade.


They love green stuff, so you'll see them in the force in the spring.That's why they're attracted to green beer.If you want to lure one in, there are ways to lure leprechauns in love.Gold.They hoard gold, kind of like that dragon in Lord of the Rings, you know, piles of so they're, you know, so all of that kind of, you know, there's there's all that, you know, there's in North mythology there's, you know, I think the gnomes do the same thing as maybe leprechauns, but I think they're women.


But I thought it was funny that they were only male.And come come to think of it, and usually they're not dressed like the leprechaun on Lucky Charms, but they do wear like they are depicted in green, oldie fashion suits.And so I just thought it was really interesting, like what could this myth have arisen from?


Why do people think leprechauns exist?And so surely is in the camp of the real because he, he finds a, he finds a pot of gold.So, you know, it's kind of fun and so.In the book, there's a pot of gold.


Yeah.OK, yeah, that makes the story even better.And then he's murdered, you know, And so Uncle Finn also also has a Shalali, which is a an it's an Irish walking stick.But it was also used in Ireland as a weapon.It's a crudgel, you know.


And so they sell them in in the Blarney stone for sure.And the Uncle Finn has one, but, you know, this leprechaun has one too.And so the leprechaun is not that nice.Like the leprechaun has done some things before he gets murdered.And so you kind of unravel this weird tale of real gold, a real pot of gold unearthed in a secret location and a dead leprechaun and Lindsay.


And of course, because Rory, it's his uncle who's in trouble and he's going to prison or not prison, but he's going to the county, you know, he's going to the jail because, you know, he's the suspect, right?Obviously he's the one talking about.You know, they're like, oh God, you know, like getting into trouble already.


And I, you know, so they're trying to they, they they engage in this mystery and try to follow it to the end.And it's a lot.It's entertaining.It's fun.Yeah, yeah, I have a lot of fun with that.So this book is a little so I've noticed that each of your books has like a different theme, right?


So this one has the Irish theme.Are you?Does the publisher kind of like dictate which themes, or are you able to select those for each book?Well, this one for sure.The publisher did and every time I've had to write I should, I shouldn't say have.I've had the pleasure of writing a a holiday book.


That was a publisher decision and I think what it is, is people do love reading about like Christmas was so fun for me because I do love Christmas.I embrace that.That's probably my favorite holiday.So that was the first one I read.I wrote I can write other ones.


And the best time of year in Michigan I'm going to be honest, is summer every time of the year.It's like right now, it's gross snow.We had a big snow today, so which is just part, you know, powerful the course of living up north.But summers and falls are beautiful, so winter is beautiful too.


If you love snow, do you love snow?I I love snow, even though I'm in California, Southern California, but I so in Michigan.I always think of mosquitoes around the lake around the summer.Well, if you have a good bat population, you don't get many mosquitoes.


So eat the mosquitoes.Yeah.Oh yeah.We have a lot of bats.I live, I live like, right on.Well, there's a lake behind me.And it's so funny because it we've had years where they're kind of bad.But last year, I don't think we got bit by mosquitoes until, gosh, I don't think we had a mosquito problem until almost September.


Isn't that weird?And so like a lot of times, like that's why it's illegal to kill a bat in Michigan.They're protected.People will have them in their houses.And I don't, but you have to call.Yeah, you have to call a special place and and lure them out.


And then there are bad houses, so also that breeze.So.So if you have a real stagnant pond of water like a real like a or gross little stream or whatever and it's real hot summer, not a lot of movement, you're going to get some mosquitoes.But with Lake MI there's such a breeze.


Maybe horse flies fly.There can be flies that are worse than mosquitoes but there's there can be, there can be mosquitoes.I haven't noticed them that badly and it could be, it could it all all depends on the probably the rainfall too but we do have A at night.


It's funny because you can see you know at first you're like, oh those are the birds but they're moving, you know all around and they they just, they're after mosquitoes.So they do keep the population down.But yeah, I mean you spray spray up if you're going to go in the woods.I would think that would be yeah.


If you're going to go like it's hot.Yeah, you're you're in Michigan, so I guess how did you choose Michigan and then why Michigan for the book?Well, you know, it's funny.The first the first series I wrote when I, you know, like accidentally wrote a cozy mystery, I sat it in that Door County place because that's where I kind of grew.


I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago.Were you from Chicago?I'm from Illinois.I'm from Kankakee, which is the orchid of Illinois.So sure for sure.And I was far, I was more northwest, kind of closer to the Wisconsin border.So for vacation we would always go into Wisconsin and but at the time we had our family had moved here quite a while ago.


But that was a place that I knew probably better because I was in my husband's from the East Coast and so he knows Maine really well.That's where they used to go.So I'd set it there and it was fine because it did pretty well in in Wisconsin and people who like going to the Door County.


But when I was with a publisher that ended up closing before I could get that third book done.And so I was kind of, I was kind of ramping up to my haunted lighthouse tale.Because the one of the things I didn't mention is that the lighthouse that Lindsay bought in Beacon Harbor, Michigan is slightly, I don't mean it's haunted, but it's not a malevolent presence.


It's a, you know, a lot of old buildings I go into.I always ask the like, especially the lighthouses I've gone into the many and I will ask the like the docent or the person taking you around and I'll say, you know, who still lives here and they're looking at me like, what do you mean?What do you mean?Nobody.It's decommissioned because most lighthouses now are either run by the Coast Guard or they're decommissioned because, you know, we have GPS.


It's so great.You know, the the need for lighthouses, you know, they're kind of a an old historic relic and there's some that are still thriving and still at work today on different really, you know, different troubling shores.But in Michigan we had more lighthouses than any other state in the United States of America, 'cause we believe it or not have more shoreline.


And it is weird because we have the Upper Peninsula.So we have, we have most, we have I think all but one of the Great Lakes around the coast of Michigan.So because if you look at Michigan, I don't know if this is the right way, but there it's like a thumb and then Upper Peninsula comes this, I don't know, I I can't do it, but I don't know there, you know.


And so during during the time 1818, hundreds, 19, early 1900s, a lot of a lot of lighthouses were built and oddly enough you can buy a lighthouse on the Internet in Michigan.They come up for sale or for auction.


And so that's why I I had that in my store because I I'd be working.I'd be writing something.My husband would always come in and be like, hey, you want to buy a lighthouse?Like look at this lighthouse?And I looked at it and you're like, yeah, that sounds cool.It sounds fun.But then when you look at the lighthouse for sale, you're like, oh, that's going to be a lot of work.


Yeah, yeah.I mean, it's such a cool concept though.Yeah.I mean, do you?Well, I moved it to, I'm sorry to get back to Richard, but I moved it to Michigan because I now live in Michigan, OK.Because people would say that I'd do a book signing in Michigan for a book in Wisconsin and people would say why don't you, why don't you ever set a book in Michigan?


And so I thought, you know, it gave me a great opportunity to kind of switch focus and still kind of keep that bake shop writing, writing about baking I guess, and just really get to know Michigan a little bit better.So I've I've enjoyed getting to know the beautiful little towns we have here as well.


And so that's why I said it, because I do love Michigan.I've lived here now for quite a while and I think, you know, it's it's there's a certain charm to the Great Lakes that a lot of people don't know about.And I I want to exploit that, Yeah.Did you go to College in Michigan?


Is that how you?No.No, I went to Indiana University.My husband was from Connecticut.And so we had started our married life in Illinois, Northern Illinois.And we, my husband got a job in Michigan.Early on our kids were little one of them had not even started school yet.


So.So we moved out here and we've just been out here ever since.So the kids, you know, as if I'm school here, we we really love it.And so the school.In Indiana, too.You know which Which one?Yeah, I went to Saint Mary's of Notre Dame.Oh beautiful.


I love the.Irish.Oh yeah, that.Oh my God.Yes, that.And is that associated with Notre Dame?Yeah, so Saint Mary's is the all women's college and Notre Dame used to be all men until I think the 70s.So my first year of College in 92 was the first year ever that there was 50%, I know, so 50% men and 50% women.


But prior to that, it was pretty much just it was mostly men in Notre Dame and then just they led us a couple women, yeah, but yes.Hey, so.It was always easy to find a date What?Oh my God, that is so.I was down in Indiana University and that's where I met my husband.


But Oh my gosh, so you should be wearing this.Yeah, in college my roommates called me Lisa O Seaford, right?Everybody's Irish and there's Irish.And honestly, like until you said that, I I thought Shilali.That was the name of the the school planner, The calendar, I thought lately was a planner because that's what they called it in Notre Dame.


That is amazing.Like the.I think that's hilarious.We have to love.Oh my gosh, though he was never so.Yours and you probably know way more about the Irish, you know?I don't know that I know a lot about the Irish.I didn't even go to football games, but not really.But yeah, I was surrounded by Irish this and that, but so that's why I loved the book and I was like and they murdered a leprechaun, so.


Well, sometimes they're asking for it, yeah.But let's talk about the dog.So the Newfoundland and you have a Pyrenees, so do you.You have a lot of dogs.Let's talk about your dogs and how you wind up picking a Newfoundland for.The I can like, I can pick up my camera and show you what you can see.


Ripley right there.The Ripley Cam.The job is the Finley Cam right there.So I have a Springer spaniel.Sorry, I'm just screwing it all up.And a golden retriever right now.But I did have in Newfoundland.My husband and I, our first dog was in Newfoundland and they're very big.


But the reason OK, so here's my weird obsession.When I was a kid, I, you know, I loved historical fiction.I run a lot of it and I was really obsessed with the Lewis and Clark expedition and Meriwether Lewis had a dog that was Newfoundland named Scannon and I I had a dog growing up, but I kept asking for Newfoundland and a horse for my birthday every year.


But Newfoundlands are these, they're ship fairing dogs.So they used to have them.So you you know, Canadia, Canadia.We say that sometimes here in Michigan, Canadia at all.My kids say that that's terrible.Canada, the Newfoundland and Canada is where the breed was said to have, you know, comfy and and it's a breed that is very coastal.


They were often on ships they are known for like rescuing people who have fallen off ships.So they even trained them.They're water dogs and they've trained them for water rescue.They can actually.They have webbed paws and my spaniel here, 'cause I'm sure a spaniel in some way that's a very old breed was somehow bred with something, you know, whatever through the lines to create a Newfoundland.


And they have web paws.So they have these big paws that are that that allow them to swim very well and they've, I've actually seen a Newfoundland dive under the water to get pick up rocks from the bottom and bring them up.So they're they're very, really sweet dog.They're giant, but they're very, very gentle.


They're not.I'm not a guard dog, really.But I thought when I saw when I just came up with Lindsay and her mission and and buying this lighthouse, I just, I just gave her like, you know, she lives in this New York City apartment and she had an impulse purchase before we meet her, which was a a Newfoundland puppy.


Because they're just gorgeous.They're so cute as puppies, very terrible.I just like when I grew up, you know?And now she's got this, you know, giant dog in this apartment in New York City, and they just both are thriving at the lighthouse.You know, Welly, Wellington.It's kind of a stuffy name, right?


Wellington, The Duke of Wellington.It sounds very.Fancy.Well, well, it's very like.So I I walk my dogs, you know, every morning.That's kind of my process.And we meet a lot of dogs.I live by this lake and one day this lady came out with this giant old English sheep sheepdog and he had a stuffy name.


I kind of, I forgot what it was, but it and I was like, I love it because it was just such a fun name for this giant, you know, big fluff monster.And so I thought, you know, when I gave Lindsay Bakewell this big dog and like, well, it's got to have a very distinguished name.


Like, you know, like that other dog I met and I couldn't remember.Like I, gosh, I wish I could remember what that name was.But Wellington kind of came out and it's also like I English boots, like their mucky boots are called wellies.So, you know, there's kind of a lot of play.Like one of my, my kids favorite dishes is a beef Wellington, which is a fancy there.


So it's a little, you know, it can be whatever, it fits.I mean, he's just a big old, you know, he drools a little bit.We drool down.Yeah, we kind of, I don't like go you know heavy on to the I make mention of it because you have to to be true to the breed but but nobody wants to read like 3 pages of like what drool looks like.


And so do you also secretly want a Pyrenees?Oh, they're beautiful.So I was at my mom's and her neighbor, her neighbors, a lot of them have dogs.And so one of them had had rescued this Great Pyrenees and it was just the most gorgeous dog.And I looked at it and it just loved me.


And the reason it loves me, the reason dogs love me, is because I always have dog treats in my pockets and they can smell it.So dogs will come off and they'll wag their tail and and then I'll give them a treat and they just, you know, they know I'm easy to you know, they all can always get a piece of food out of me.So I was just like, I'm going to write you into a book and you're going to be famous.


You know you're so beautiful and so just lovely and I just thought this beautiful big and and my sister-in-law actually had a Great Pyrenees.I love that dog.They're beautiful dogs as well.So I just thought they would be kind of fun to write about.So I so you do have more dogs.I have a friend who loves cats.


She's got four of that.But she goes, why don't you ever put a cat in your book?And I'm allergic to cats.Yeah, a lot of people are.It's terrible.I would love to have a cat and my kids.You know, my one son moved when he moved out.


The first thing he did was adopt A cat because he said you deprived me of the privilege of owning a cat.But you know, for me it's like I always I want one, but I just haven't written about 1:00 because I don't really know cats as well as I know dogs, you know?So yeah, it's.


Definitely a change.I've had both and I love both, so but I it's hard to write about the cat if you haven't been like you know, or even had one for a little bit.Right.Well well they're so they're such a different animal and they're so cool.Like my husband grew up with cats and dogs and I only have ever lived in a house with dogs.


You know my mom was allergic to cats too.So.But I think they're, I mean I love reading about, you know like authors that have cats as a protect, you know one of the the characters as well.Because I do think that I think pets, especially in cozy mysteries like, really enrich.


Not only is true, I know they're rich our lives personally I'm just, you know, I know you're an animal lover too.But for me like that's I think something I do fairly well is right about a dog authentically because my two dogs here like they kind of Wellington has their personality.


One's a shameless beggar.They're always in the water like they are never dry in the summer.My one kid is like, you know, these dogs, What did he say?They're like mold.They're like smell like mold.Or aren't you afraid they're going to get moldy in recall?Now they just, you know what I mean?They just, yeah, they're living.


They're living.I joke they live their best life.So that's.What they're supposed to do.You're in Michigan.You're by the water.And then sometimes I I make their own food.I'm kind of, they're spoiled that way and and you know, I have special dog feed.So Lindsay Bakewell kind of, you know, has inherited some of those qualities from me with her dog.


But but yeah, I think it purchased the story.And so does she make pastries for the dogs, too.Or she'll make cookies like she'll make they, you know, like the second or third book I think she stabbles with like Beacon Bites is what she calls them.


So it's kind of like a dog cookie themed dog cookie of the month because like as you know, like it's funny because my books tend to have a theme, a big good theme.The first one was just introducing, but the next one was a Christmas cookie theme.


And then I did a blueberry book and so of course we'd have blueberry Beacon Bites or you know, beacon bites is what she calls them.And my dogs like blueberries are really good for dogs.So I sometimes well, mix them into their food or you know, Antiochs, I'm sick and eating blueberries.So I, you know, I would never put something in a dog food that cannot be eaten but they not digested.


I have one dog that gets into chocolate.So when I had my book launch I got all these silver coins, gold coins that look like authentic gold coins.The other they have chocolate in them and so I bought a lot of those and I was putting them in these little bags with these little good luck charms and things for my book launch.


My husband and I had been baking a lot for the book launch, so I made Bailey's.It was like Guinness chocolate cake with Bailey's buttercream frosting and I made Have you made the mini cupcakes real tiny, like a.Tablespo it's too much work.Oh yeah.Oh, I had some time on my hands, so I thought, oh, they're easier for people to eat.


Sometimes people, when you bring treats to a book lunch, they don't want to have a you.Know big?Yeah, seems like I resume it.Yeah, So I was like, you know, when we're going out for dinner, I made sure I got everything off the counters because they will just find things cleaned, everything.


And I forgot I had left some of these gold bags of gold points on the table in a bag.I came home and the floor was littered with gold wrappers.It was absolutely disgusting.And I and I come in and I'm like you know and it's my spaniel.


I I'm sure she got into it too the golden but they had peeled the wrappers back and ate 2 bags.There were 10 coins in each one, and.They didn't get sick because it's poison, right?Yeah, so this is, this is what's interesting.Just some dogs.It's deadly.It is deadly.


This the Spaniel has gotten into Halloween candy.Like we'll take down whatever he can eat and all that.So it's so we have to be very careful.But he doesn't even get, you know an update doesn't have that adjuster dude.One day he sounded like he was, this is 2 days later.


He sounded like, you know, he was kind of at night I heard him kind of vomiting and I'm like, oh, I didn't run over and get him and and I realized like it was the tin, it was the foil it.Was like.You know, I mean, it was like, I mean, it serves you right, you know, for doing that.


But then it was terrible.It was terrible.So no, I sold these.So I'm very careful not to ever include, even though one of the dogs will seek chocolate out at all costs and you know so well.Let's talk about the Beacon Bake Shop.What's the most popular pastry on her menu?


You know, it's seasonal.OK.And so I I think I told you earlier, when we're off camera, I don't know if I said this on camera, but when I was younger, I, you know, newly, not newly married.But I think I had two of my three children and my brother decides to buy a bakery.


And he was in film and video and he was working in Chicagoland and doing, you know, like commercials and stuff.But he just one day was like, I'm tired of this and just buys a bakery and we're like, you don't want to bake.And so we kind of threw ourselves into it And our mother was, is a, is an awesome well, doesn't bake much anymore.


But she had some phenomenal recipes and was always a good Baker.And so he, you know the the bakery came with a professional Baker.So he really learned, excuse me, how to bake.And so he would call me in because I wasn't working at the time and he'd be like, I need you to help me make this or I need you to do this or can you come in And you know I was AI was free laborer.


I lived close by.He didn't call my older brother because he knew better.That was a sucker.And so we really learned.It was fun.It was very fun.It was a so much work.Working in a bakery is a lot of work, but there is that element of when you make like he was, you know, I had doughnuts.


He had all kinds of things in his cases and specialty cakes and things.But when somebody takes a bite of a doughnut or baked good or like a Danish, and they're just like, and it's just kind of rewarding because you're making something that somebody enjoys.And I really like that about baking.


It's kind of like instant gratification.So my standards at the Beacon bake shop, which I think are my standards that are kind of just a perennial favorite, would be a cinnamon roll.Like, OK, and you're in Michigan, Lisa, if you come to Michigan, there's a place in the UP that has cinnamon rolls the size of the place they're like in Wow, there's no cinnamon roll.


I think it was like 3 box and they come out with this like giant.It was the best cinnamon roll I've ever had.And so I've tried to I think I have a video of making that on my one of my my channels.But so and then then pecan roll standards just like cinnamon roll but a little different and and Donuts.


And then from there like if it's Halloween we're going to have pumpkin flivvered things.We're going to have we're going to have you know like pumpkin chocolate chip muffins.There's quiches as well, because not everybody I have learned like sweets.Crazy.


We're trying to cut down and sugar at our house and that's really hard to tell you.I don't even try.But but you know, it's fun, like the things that people like the most.I always have those.So a lot of times you'll see, you know, Lindsay's always making the sweet rolls because that that is a pain.And a tea stone, it's always, you know, takes a little bit longer.


But the seasonal ones are the ones that I usually include.So, so the Irish mystery scones like an Irish scone.I found this great recipe and I I kind of scan cookbooks as well as Internet as well as family and friends and a classic Irish scone is very different than a regular English than what we would make.


I always frost scones, you know, like this you buy at Starbucks, you know, it's good, it's sweet.There's this more like a biscuit and the beauty with it it, it has such a great texture.It is like, you know, like think of our Southern buttermilk biscuits, like how quintessential that is to maybe the South scones.


An Irish scone is just quintessential like British breakfast food, you know, And they cut it and then they put the clouded cream and the jam in there.That's very englishy.But the Irish have their version.They might put raisins in their scones.They're very plain.They're not.They're not frosted, but they are so good because of just the texture, Do you know?


So, so that's in there.Irish soda bread.My recipe, and I got this recipe a long time ago from my sister-in-law who, you know, Chicago's a very Irish town, right?And so it was, I think it might be passed down to her or something.


And it has a the reason it's so good is because it has a cup of sugar in it.Everything good has a cup of sugar because mostly like I read a lot of recipes and it's like tablespoon of sugar and I realize that the one I make has, you know, probably a stick of butter and a cup of sugar and then all the other ingredients and it's so good.


Yeah, that doesn't.Soda bread is.I mean, I like it, but it's not.It's almost too healthy, right, Where you're like, I need some, I don't know, like a bucket of caramel or frosting to do.No.This this soda bread, like you toast it off, my kids leave it for breakfast.


It's it's, you know, soda bread.You're like, you know, it can be really like you said, it's not super flavorful, but you know, I think it was the sugar that meant.Yeah, it sounds like a great addition.I mean, so it sounds like if you're cutting back on sugar, are you not?You don't eat.


I can't write.I know this sounds silly.I can't write without a pastry or chocolate.Oh my God, I love that.Oh my God, that is so amazing.I would be like £300 if I did that.I had a great limit like.Like.What do you?


Eat pork like it.I mean, I bake cookies.Cupcakes.I don't really bake brownies.I did pick up a cinnamon roll this morning.For breakfast?Oh, was it good?Was it amazing?Yeah, it was really good.It was homemade at some bakery and I also get croissants a lot 'cause I can't, those are like a pain to make, so I will always pick up butter, almond, chocolate, all those things.


See.That sounds so amazing.Yeah, I can't.Like, it's so funny.I drink a lot of coffee in lieu of eating baked goods because I do.I have a big sweet tooth.Like I do love my sugar and I do notice if I don't eat as much of it, like, I feel good.


Oh yeah, it's true sugar.My joints don't hurt, you know?It's like I'm at this age where I'm like, why is my knee hurt?Like, but it doesn't last.I mean, what I mean by that is like, we'll treat ourselves every once in a while, but I don't usually have and I usually just have coffee.


I would love to have a baked good when I eat and I when I write.And I think, I think I used to do that more.If I have something special, I'll definitely do it.When I was when the kids were little, when I was growing up, I kind of had this rule like, they couldn't eat sweet unless I made it so 'cause it takes more effort, right?


And it doesn't have, you know, a lot of fillers in it.A lot of preservatives.And so that kind of forced us to bake because I'd be like, I'm not going to go out and buy like Oreos and then I'd be like, but I can't, I do have a bag of chocolate chips, you know what I'm saying?And then there you go, whipping it up and then you're like, I'll have a couple.


Well also and I when I'm whipping it up, I love eating batter too so.It's oh, you batter.I am so funny.Like, I hate batter.And my husband will always try to get the cookie dough bat.It's a weird thing.I don't know why he loves cookie dough ice cream.And I'm like, yeah, yeah, it's just.


Are you worried about the eggs?No, no, I'm not.I'm.I just don't like the consistency.Of your table eggs.What are you talking about?No, I'm not.No, I'm not worried about that at all.It's for me.It's also I don't like his fingers in the dough because he will like if I'm making him for like if I have company.


I have a rule like you can't be touching my my cookie dough.I will let him eat the.I don't know if I don't know if I have any other kids that eat dough like that, but I do have friends that'll just make dough.Cookie dough Eat the dough, 'cause there is something really kind of interesting.It's not it's not bad.


It's just for me, Yeah, I I kind of.I kind of like protect it.Like, you know, don't stick your.Yeah, there was a place in New York.I remember there was a line.I stood in line for two hours for dough when it first opened in New York.What?


Because it's all they do is cookie dough, right?And so you just it's like a assembly line.You go in and you can pick three different types of cookie dough, and the.No, are you kidding me?I'm so crazy Store that sells.This, yeah, it's a store in New York and so, but The thing is, I love cookie dough.


But then when I had a whole cup of it, I was like, oh, I feel kind of sick now.Like I was so excited to eat it.But I was like, oh.I don't have to drink a lot because it kind of it's like it has to expand in your stomach.I mean, it sounds like such a great idea.And she uses pasteurized eggs, right?


So in theory you can eat it, but in in reality, eating it wasn't as great versus just like a couple little dollops when you're big.I love that you.I love that you went there.I think that's amazing.I think it's amazing that somebody like, what?An entrepreneur.I wonder if they're still open for business though, you know?


I don't know.I mean this is pre COVID.I think it was like 2017 that we were in line so.But it is funny because there are definitely dough.They chocolate chip cookie dough.Chocolate chip cookies are pretty much the bomb.I mean, you know, any, any kind of.And I do like baking different things, 'cause sometimes I look at something, I'm like, what would that taste like?


You know?Sometimes you're pleasantly surprised and I've made things.I'm like, why would people like this?You know, I don't have the most refined palate, but sometimes I can kind of look at the most and judge it.But yeah, I wish, I wish I had AI, wish I could eat baked goods and and not have them, you know, at this age.


Oh yeah, I get it.Like after that cookie dough experience, I'm like maybe it's sounds great in theory but not too much is like of a good thing.It is, But it's it's fun.It's fun to always have something.You know, like I came from, you know, my mother would always have something for guests.And I think that's kind of my thing.


Like, I'll always have something.And then I realized if I do, like, my husband would find it.And then I'm like, he doesn't, you know, he should probably not eating so much in the right amount.And so for readers, your books all have the recipes in the back, and on your YouTube channel you actually try some of them out as well, right?


Right.I used to put more more baking videos on.I will have on my website.I will choose like I used to put a lot more recipes on there.But what I'll do now is that I do provide a lot of recipes in the back of the book, and then there'll be recipes that don't make it in there.


And sometimes those are the recipes that will be available to print and you can try them.Otherwise, they're at the back of the books and, you know, they're just, that's a lot of fun.It just kind of, I know when people are reading, and I mean, I think this maybe happens more than writing, but when you're reading a cozy mystery that's food based and they're talking about something like it makes you hungry.


Yeah, for sure.So then I'm like.Why I need pastries on the side?Right, right, right.I need, you know, or I'll find myself writing a, you know, like remember to try this recipe, you know, So I just think food, food based cozies are really fun.I really, really enjoy writing them because it kind of, you know, not only you're telling a story, but you're telling it something real, that somebody can also feel a part of that story by eating, eating while they're eating.


Well, you know, like, you know, they can be, you know, they can visit the Beacon Bake Shop in their own kitchen.Yeah.Thanks so much for being on here and sharing about your book.Can you tell us what are your writing plans for this year and what's coming up?Well, thank you.First of all, thank you so much for having me.


You're amazing.And I'm just like this is your.I love it, I love this, this whole format.So I'm going to be, I have another book, another series I'll be launching this year called Food and Spirits Mystery series.Again, it's a food based mystery series.It's in the title.The first one is called A Fatal Feast at Bransford Manor.


And what it is, it's a kind of a weird I originally, I originally pitched this when I was a couple years ago, years ago, 10 years ago, I was coming out of the historical fiction writing writing thing.My brother was a ghost hunter.


Like that was his hobby.He had a real job and so he used to always make me watch his ghost shows.And I thought they're kind of stupid and but I realized like every channel had a ghost show.And then I one day I was like, hey, you know what channel doesn't have a ghost show?The Food Network.Why don't we pitch a ghost show, a food based ghost show to the Food Network?


And I wrote up this whole pitch for food and spirits.And so it was like all this stupidness of a ghost show, deliciousness of a baking show, and it was just weird enough.If enough alcohol was involved, it would be hilarious.And so I ended up not having the right kind of agent for that.


Oh my God, I didn't realize I was a different agent.So anyhow, years later when I was asked to write another series, I I was asked for three pitches and I gave 2 normal pitches that, you know, a normal person might send their editor.And then I sent them this redone version of this food and spirits.


So it's like a travel ghost food show that we write about as in a book.So the first, the first episode, if you will.Uh huh.Takes place in England at a haunting.And what I do is I actually really investigate real hauntings.


And I've changed the name.So there's the first one, the the there's a real place this this haunting takes place in real place, and it's the the legend of The Mistletoe Bar Bride.I don't know if you've ever heard of this.No.And so my my main protagonist is a woman named Bridget Bonnie McBride, who hates everything to do with paranormal.


She's of Scottish descent.She's working in America.She's working for like a Martha Stewart lady, I think I call her Mary Stobert and she has a little spot, you know, a little.It's called Bunny's Culinary Corner and she does a little hit on there and it's very popular and she really doesn't like Halloween, doesn't like the scary side.


So anyhow, her boss is a little bit annoyed with her and and the opportunity for this new show, which is really a ghost show, ghost food show.They pitch it to her like it's a travel cooking show.She'll be the star of this show.So anyhow, she gets roped into the show.She thinks the spirits in the show is mixology, but it's really not.


And then before she knows it, she's flying out to the UK to Bransford Manor to investigate the mistletoe bar.Bride, which is a real story of a woman years 1600s, gets married on Christmas Day to her husband in this beautiful Manor.


And before she, before they, you know, go to bed, she proposes a game of hide and seek.And so she gets a 5 minute head start and then the guests have to try to find her.And there maybe is like a prize involved and nobody ever finds her.And 50 years go by And this her husband, her, you know, moved on for sure.


But he felt like, no, she didn't run away.I know she loved me, blah blah, blah. 50 years later, he's up in the attic and he finds he opens up a chest and he finds his bride inside the chest, still in her wedding gown holding her bouquet, but she's a skeleton.And so that that woman still haunts this particular castle.


Now a lot of castles claim to be the actual castle with this that that has this legend originality in it.But this first book we we explore that along with food, it's just crazy wild wrapped.But anyhow, so the first, the first book Fatal Feast at Bransford Manor, which which kind of shadows the history of this, this haunting and tries to get to the bottom of it as well and there's a lot of good food.


It's a food baiting ghost show, so you have to bake the ghost to the table with the foods.And when does that come out?August 20th.August. 20th that that'll that's a serious.And then I have another Beacon bake shop coming out in November end of November called Murder at the Lemon Berry Tea.


So busy here.Nice.Very cool, and I've been ignoring all of our guests on the show.Karen says hello, Jasmine says hello.That's awesome.It's a shame you can keep the name.We must.I think we were talking about lighthouses.Whoa, yes.


Tasha I love the baking theme and cozies, Jess.And you need to come to Peggy's Cove Canada to.Sit there, White House.Canada has some beautiful lighthouses.Yeah, I bet Jasmine it was the back story for the three season of only murders in the building.


Oh.What was that?Talking about it's for what?Was the back story.Oh, I love, I love only murders in the building.I am a fan.Tasha Butter anything is good.That is true.Tasha.Tasha, croissants are definitely weakness for me too.


Yes, thoughtful inclusion of recipes in your book.It's a great way to engage your readers.Very cool.Thank you.Awesome.Well, and I almost forgot, we have a book giveaway, so let's do it to Jasmine's new and she's given us a great book recommendation.So Jasmine, if you I don't know if you're still here.


If you're still here, definitely send me an e-mail to Lisa at with your e-mail and we'll get you a book.Thank you.Thank you so much.Before we leave, where can readers find you Darcy online, like where you usually hang?


Out.Yeah, so I mean Facebook author Darcy Hannah.There's Instagram.I think it's also author Darcy Hannah.WW dot Darcy Hannah.I mean, just type my name and that's my, that's my, that's my website.And that has a lot of that's where you can get recipes.


If you're interested in our podcast, it's the Nearly Literate Podcast.You can listen to it wherever you get your podcast, or you can go on YouTube.Just type in Nearly Literate Podcast and that should pop up.So brace yourselves for that one, but thank you if you do.And then you can buy the books wherever books are sold.


Awesome.All right.Great.Well, thank you everyone for joining.Thank you, Darcy and we'll.See you, everybody.I'll see you on Friday.We're doing another interview and this will be with Emmy Lynn on her paranormal series with the talking dog so oh love it.


Bye.Thank you.

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